Category Archives: Auto Accident Lawyer Atlanta

What to Do After a Car Accident
None of us expects to be involved in a car accident on the way to work or while running errands, but car accidents happen unexpectedly every day. Being involved in a car accident can be traumatic, and you may wonder what to do immediately afterward. After you bring your car to a stop, it… Read More »
Your Child’s Car Seat After An Automobile Accident
If you have been in an automobile accident with a child buckled into a car seat or booster seat, you may need to replace the child’s seat. Although there is no Federal or State law requiring replacement of a car or booster seat after a crash, the impact and force of a collision may… Read More »
7 Things You Should Do Following An Atlanta Automobile Accident
Being involved in an automobile accident can be a traumatic experience.Immediately dial 911 and get emergency assistance on its way. Move to a safe location but do not leave the scene of the accident. Your focus should be on medical attention and gathering information to provide to your insurance company. Once emergency personnel arrive… Read More »
Rural Hazards That Cause Car Accidents
Atlanta is a big city with a lot of hazards when it comes to driving. We went over some of the bigger ones in our last blog. But what about when you are out in a more rural area? There isn’t much traffic or high speeds. What could possibly cause accidents in the middle… Read More »
Urban Hazards That Cause Car Accidents
Unfortunately, every driver at some point has not given their full attention to the road and their surroundings. The sad fact is there are so many things out there that cause us to lose focus. But some of those things are out of our control and no matter how much we are focused on… Read More »
More Outside Distractions That Cause Auto Accidents
In our last blog, we talked about some of the distractions that can be going on outside of your vehicle that may cause a car accident. There were so many of them we, thought that we would talk about more in this blog. Although these are not all of the things that can distract… Read More »
Outside Distractions That Cause Auto Accidents
We are always talking about things that are distracting to drivers. Things like our cell phones, the radio, or even eating. But all of that is inside the car. We don’t often think about things outside of the car being distracting because, after all, that is what we are trained to look for, right?… Read More »
Tractor Trailer Accidents
It seems like an everyday occurrence that we hear about an 18-wheeler truck being involved in a crash that ends up closing a portion of the freeway. These truck drivers have very long days and don’t always get a lot of sleep while on the road. They are more prone to getting into accidents… Read More »
The Issue Of Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is a huge problem in America today. We are constantly hearing about accidents caused by people who had been drinking before getting into the car. Famous actors and athletes are often found guilty of this, namely Lindsay Lohan, Warren Sapp, and Todd Helton. It seems as though, because these people have money,… Read More »
Negligence And The Law
Negligence. This is a word we hear all of the time but we may not know what the word means in certain situations. The dictionary defines neglect as “to pay no attention or too little attention to” a particular thing. So in the world of personal injury attorneys, negligence means someone was not operating… Read More »